Berean Christadelphian Ecclesia at Richard
"All the earth shall be filled with the glory of Yahweh"
This collection of Robert Roberts writings, a pioneer member of the Christadelphian ecclesia, provides a wide array of topics for review and discussion for anyone wishing to learn more about God, his son Jesus Christ, human nature, and God's purpose for this world.
(Various). Historical exhortations written and delivered.
Contents: Our Birthright | The Beauty of Christ | What Will He Think of Us? | The Song to the Sung in Christ's Day | Loyalty to God #133 | Built Upon Prophets and Apostles #201 | "The Terror of the Lord" to Come #215 | Things that are Not Seen #216 | Giving God Pleasure #217 | Change and the Unchangeable #218 | Distressed by Sin? Overcome and Hope #219 | Pearls from Proverbs #220 | Breaking Bread Connects Past and Future #222 | Forsake Traditions, but Keep Commands #223 | Present Evils Rectified in Future #226 | God in Israel's History #227 | Triumphing Over Deceptive Appearances #233 | Unpromising Chapters Contain Beautiful Truths #238 | The Bible Enlightenment to All Generation #3 | Believers of the Truth, Sons of God #5 | He Shall Judge the Secrets of Men #7 | Behold, Our Great High Priest #8 | Substance of the Gospel Preached: Paul to the Corinthians #9 | The Doing of Christ's Words #10 | Peach with God Through Jesus Christ #13 | Schisms within the Ecclesia #14 | Continuing in Sound Doctrine #15 | Be Ye Followers of God as Dear Children #16 | Prayer #17 | Sunday Morning #22, #24, #25, #26, #27, #43, and #64.
(Reprint 1982). A guide to the formation and conduct of Christadelphian Ecclesias in the characteristic circumstances of an age when the true as apostolically delivered has been revived in the ways of Divine providence, without the co-operation and living guidance of the holy spirit as enjoyed in the apostolic age.
Contents: The Term Ecclesia | The Name Christadelphian | The Apostolic Ministry | Revival of the Apostolic Faith | Problems of the Modern Situation | What is the Solitary Man to Do? | The Administration of Baptism | Form of Procedure | Baptismal Formula | Course After Baptism (Alone) | After Baptism (in Company) | Objects of Ecclesial Work | Rules and Modes | Absence of the Spirit's Appointments | The Necessities of the Present Situation | Mutual Consent the Basis of Order | Exercise of Authority out of the Question | Serving Brethren, not Rulers | Suitable Qualifications | Ecclesial Control | Mode and Term of Appointment | Eligibility for Re-Election | Arranging Brethren | Arranging Meetings Open to All | Presiding Brethren | Recording Brother (Usually called Secretary) | Finance Brother (Usually called Treasurer) | Exclusion of Business from Sunday Meetings | Fraternal Accouncements | Mode of Conducting the Meetings | Commencement of Meetings | Who to Select Hymns | The Relative Place of Singing and Prayer | Nature of Hymns Chosen | When to Select Hymns | Nature of Prayer | When and What Scripture Readings to Select | Fraternal Accouncements | Giving of Thanks for the Bread and Wine | Giving the Right Hand of Fellowship | Who to Exhort on Sunday Morning | Time for Principal Exhortation | Time for Collection | Mode of Making Collection | Who to Appoint as Presiding Brethren) | Subject of Prayer | The Conduct of Arranging Meetings | Introduction of New Brethren | Cases of Sin and Withdrawal | Examination of Applicants for Immersion | Basis of Fellowship | Disputes | Individual Offences | Ecclesial Differences | Dissatisfied Minority | Absence and Separate Meetings Unlawful | A Time to Separate, and How to go About it | Involved in another Ecclesia's Trouble | Ecclesia's in Relation One to Another | The True Secret of Success | Fraternal Gatherings from Various Places | Marriage | Sunday School
(Reprint 1982). kiSwahili. A guide to the formation and conduct of Christadelphian Ecclesias in the characteristic circumstances of an age when the true as apostolically delivered has been revived in the ways of Divine providence, without the co-operation and living guidance of the holy spirit as enjoyed in the apostolic age.
Contents: The Term Ecclesia | The Name Christadelphian | The Apostolic Ministry | Revival of the Apostolic Faith | Problems of the Modern Situation | What is the Solitary Man to Do? | The Administration of Baptism | Form of Procedure | Baptismal Formula | Course After Baptism (Alone) | After Baptism (in Company) | Objects of Ecclesial Work | Rules and Modes | Absence of the Spirit's Appointments | The Necessities of the Present Situation | Mutual Consent the Basis of Order | Exercise of Authority out of the Question | Serving Brethren, not Rulers | Suitable Qualifications | Ecclesial Control | Mode and Term of Appointment | Eligibility for Re-Election | Arranging Brethren | Arranging Meetings Open to All | Presiding Brethren | Recording Brother (Usually called Secretary) | Finance Brother (Usually called Treasurer) | Exclusion of Business from Sunday Meetings | Fraternal Accouncements | Mode of Conducting the Meetings | Commencement of Meetings | Who to Select Hymns | The Relative Place of Singing and Prayer | Nature of Hymns Chosen | When to Select Hymns | Nature of Prayer | When and What Scripture Readings to Select | Fraternal Accouncements | Giving of Thanks for the Bread and Wine | Giving the Right Hand of Fellowship | Who to Exhort on Sunday Morning | Time for Principal Exhortation | Time for Collection | Mode of Making Collection | Who to Appoint as Presiding Brethren) | Subject of Prayer | The Conduct of Arranging Meetings | Introduction of New Brethren | Cases of Sin and Withdrawal | Examination of Applicants for Immersion | Basis of Fellowship | Disputes | Individual Offences | Ecclesial Differences | Dissatisfied Minority | Absence and Separate Meetings Unlawful | A Time to Separate, and How to go About it | Involved in another Ecclesia's Trouble | Ecclesia's in Relation One to Another | The True Secret of Success | Fraternal Gatherings from Various Places | Marriage | Sunday School
(Reprint 1999). Seasons of comfort at the Table of the Lord being addresses at the breaking of bread, on Sunday morning at Birmingham (principally).
Contents: Comfort | The Breaking of Bread | Reproach | Refreshment | God "A Sun and Shield" | The Other Side of God's Character | Obedience | Consolation | Letter to Philemon | Christ Past and Future | The Greatness of Christ | God's Work on Earth | Strangers and Sojourners | The Unsearchable Riches of Christ | The Character of God | The Reading of the Scriptures | Waiting for Christ | Spiritual Ignorance and Woman's Position | Sober Reflection | Masters and Servants | Remembrance | Nearer the Crisis | The Only Hope | Unprofitable Questions | Love and Doctrine | Submission to Human Law | The Gifts of the Spirit | Holiness | Receiving the Grace of God in Vain | The Day of the Lord | Light and Darkness | Present Suffering | Christ and the Prophets | Christ and Nature | The Wedding Garment | Salt | Danger | Signs and Traditions | Walking Worthily | The Prosperity of the Wicked | The Word Enduring for Ever | The World | Enmity of Classes | The Blessedness of Knowing the Truth | Crotchets | Griefs | A Warning Message | The Beauty of Christ | The Psalms | The Proverbs | The Temptation of Christ | Christ's "Sermon on the Mount" | The Man of Sorrow | Altogether Vanity | The Reign of Law | The Household of Faith | Patience and Its Work | The Dead in Christ | An Oracle of Wrath | Looking for Great Things | The Logic of the Stars | Remembering Christ Acceptably | The Power of the Scriptures | "As a Thief in the Night" | The World Asleep | Signs of the Morning | The Flesh and the Spirit | The Fellow-Heirship of the Gentiles | Paul as a Christ-Appointed Model | Paul and True Godliness | The Example of Israel's History | Praise and Heart-Hardening | Wisdom Different from Science or Philosophy | Judgement of Salvation | The Hope of Israel | God and the Bible | Baruch and God's Message | Four Prominent Personages | The Hope and its Strong Foundations | The Olive Trees and the Candlestick | The Marriage Supper of the Lamb | Bible Wisdom Versus Philosophic Morality | In Collision with Society | The Reality of God in History | Appearances and Realities - Husbands and Wives | Paul's Sorrow About Israel | Election Versus Calvinism | God's Object in Restoring Israel | Daniel at Babylon | Miracle and Prophecy | Christ Our Passover | "Unit he Come" | The Cup of Blessing | The Sure Foundation | The Truth | Self-Examination | The Rechabites | Right Views of Life | The Lesson of the Genealogies | The Brethren of Colosse | Wisdom | The Antidote to Spiritual Distemper | Why We Break Bread | Doing the Will of God - Comfort to the Faint-Hearted
(1925). The miracles, signs and wonders which have occurred in the past dealing of God with the nation of Israel; the nature and design of such operations, and their necessity to the accomplishment of the work of God in the Earth.
Contents: The place, nature and need of miracle | The beginning of things necessarily miraculous | The miracle of Revelation | The reign of death | Enoch and the flood | The miracles of language and its diversification | Miracle necessary as the foundation of faith (Abram, Isaac, and Jacob) | Miracle, sublime, striking, and awful. Sodom and Gomorrah | The Work of Moses, historical, not legendary; divine, not human; miraculous, otherwise impossible | Nature and Object of the Mosaic Miracles | Negotiations at the court of Pharaoh. A Stupendous Issue. Commencement of the Struggle | The Egyptian plagues necessarily miraculous, and what they were intended to effect | The last three plagues, and Israel's departure | | The Egyptian Pursuit and the Red Sea Catastrophe | Supplies in the Wilderness | At Mount Sinai | The law of Moses, the tabernacle, and the mutiny of the congregation | Striking dead of Aaron's sons. Rebellion of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram | Manna in the Desert, Murmuring and Balaam | Moses' parting gift, Yahweh's prophetic song of witness | Israel's invasion of Canaan under Joshua | Israel under the judges | Saul and David | David and the reign of Solomon | Revolt of the ten tribes, mission of Elijah | The work of Elijah | Elijah on Carmel and afterwards | Elijah's removal from the earth | Elijah's mantle on Elisha | Elisha, Hezekiah, Daniel, Conclusion
(Reprint 1999). Seasons of comfort suitable for moments of meditation and exhortations at the table of the Lord.
Contents: Life in True Perspective | "Without Faith it is Impossible to Please God" | Comfort from the Word | The Man of Sorrows | I Believe God that it shall be even as it was told me | "Take unto you the Whole Armor of God" | A Year in Review | The Blessedness of Forgiven Sin | Following After Righteousness | Our Fringe of Blue | God's Supremacy | God's Object in Subjecting Us to Vanity | A New and Living Way | The Offence of the Truth | Our Surety of Eternal Life | Steadfastness in the Faith | Sojourning in Fear Awaiting Christ | Humility of Circumstance Favorable to Godliness | Matters of Magnitude | Nearing the Dawn | Wisdom of Divine Silence | A Light that Shineth in a Dark Place | Our Goal and Guiding Star | That We Shall Walk in Integrity | The Building Up of Lively Stones | That God Shall be Sanctified | Strengthened by the Word of His Grace | Our Gathering to Christ | Waiting for the Consolidation of Israel | God Requires that Covenants of Kept | Attaining the Mind of the Spirit | God's Greatness Shown in Small Mercies | Human Evanescence and God's Omnipotence | Fortified to Endure | The Similitude of the Four Carpenters | Wisdom and Comfort Obtained from God's Ensamples | Eternal Verities and Love Centred in Christ | Humility and Sorrow Precede Honour and Joy | Understanding According to the Word | Comfort - When the Lord Comes | The Song to be Sung in Christ's Day | God's Judgements Upon a Wicked World | David Devising Liberal Things for God | Daniel at Prayer | Applying Our Hearts unto Wisdom | Psalms and Praise to God | Without God, All is Vanity and Vexation of Spirit | Through the Windows of the World | The Hapless Plight of the Rejected | The Mouth of the Lord Hath Spoken It | The World Disobedient to God | The Terror of the Lord | Divine Glory - In Symbol and Reality | God "Will Avenge" Gentile Disobedience | "My Word Shall Not Pass Away" | "Watching and Waiting" - Not for Ever | "O Send Thy Light Forth and Thy Truth" | Causing Men to Hear His Words | A Coming Festival of Song | The Multitude Against God's Truth and People | Reasons for Thankfulness | Salvation Through a Narrow Channel | Drawn by God by the Word | Themes of Bible Prove God-Inspired | God Now Silent, But Not For Ever | Behind Jesus Crucified are God's Claims | God Everywhere | Trouble Necessary to Form Character | Paul "Sent" by Jesus | Why God Sends Trouble | "Never Despair" | A Life That Pleased God | Culture Valueless - God Supplies Everything | In Prison for Righteousness' Sake | Beginnings that Vitally Affect Us | The Inside of the Truth | Regarding God, and His Works | This Presents Evil World | All Parts of the Truth Necessary | Ultimate Unity with God | Jeremiah's Experiences an Example | Aliens - Sin - Responsibility | Choose God - Accept Consequences | Knowledge, Love, Obedience | Use of Similitudes by God | Reality of Bible History and Prophecy | "Not as I Will, but as Thou Wilt" | Fulfilled Prophecies that Encourage | God Also Bearing Them Witness | Unpleasant Things for the World | Present Rest
(1925). The miracles, signs and wonders which have occurred in the past dealing of God with the nation of Israel; the nature and design of such operations, and their necessity to the accomplishment of the work of God in the Earth.
Contents: The place, nature and need of miracle | The beginning of things necessarily miraculous | The miracle of Revelation | The reign of death | Enoch and the flood | The miracles of language and its diversification | Miracle necessary as the foundation of faith (Abram, Isaac, and Jacob) | Miracle, sublime, striking, and awful. Sodom and Gomorrah | The Work of Moses, historical, not legendary; divine, not human; miraculous, otherwise impossible | Nature and Object of the Mosaic Miracles | Negotiations at the court of Pharaoh. A Stupendous Issue. Commencement of the Struggle | The Egyptian plagues necessarily miraculous, and what they were intended to effect | The last three plagues, and Israel's departure | | The Egyptian Pursuit and the Red Sea Catastrophe | Supplies in the Wilderness | At Mount Sinai | The law of Moses, the tabernacle, and the mutiny of the congregation | Striking dead of Aaron's sons. Rebellion of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram | Manna in the Desert, Murmuring and Balaam | Moses' parting gift, Yahweh's prophetic song of witness | Israel's invasion of Canaan under Joshua | Israel under the judges | Saul and David | David and the reign of Solomon | Revolt of the ten tribes, mission of Elijah | The work of Elijah | Elijah on Carmel and afterwards | Elijah's removal from the earth | Elijah's mantle on Elisha | Elisha, Hezekiah, Daniel, Conclusion
(n.d.) Exhortation about the promises of God, the end of days, and the hope of mankind should belief in God be held. A final consolation to provide hope to mankind.
Contents: Return of Christ; Promises; Time of Trouble; End of Days.
(1869). Elaborated in a conversation between a Christdelphian and a believing stranger desiring to be immersed into the name of Christ.
Contents: Examining Candidates for Obedience.
(1884). Popular theology (both in faith and practice) shewn to be unscriptural; and the true nature of the ancient apostolic faith exhibited in eighteen lectures.
Contents: Lecture 1: The Bible - What it is, and how to interpret it | Lecture 2: Human nature essentially mortal, as proved by nature and revelation | Lecture 3: The dead unconscious till the resurrection, and consequent error of popular belief in heaven and hell | Lecture 4: Immortality, a conditional gift to be bestowed at the resurrection | Lecture 5: Judgement to come, the dispensation of divine awards to responsible classes at the return of Christ | Lecture 6: God, Angels, Jesus Christ, and the Crucifixion | Lecture 7: The devil not a personal supernatural being but the scriptural personification of sin in its manifestations among men | Lecture 8: The kingdom of God not yet in existence, but to be established visibly on the earth at a future day | Lecture 9: The promises made to the fathers (Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob), yet to be fulfilled in the setting up of the kingdom of God on the earth | Lecture 10: The kingdom of God the final instrumentality in the great scheme of human redemption | Lecture 11: Christ the future king of the world | Lecture 12: The covenant made with David, realized in the re-establishment of the kingdom of Israel under Christ | Lecture 13: The second coming of Christ the only Christian hope | Lecture 14: The hope of Israel, or, the restoration of the Jews, a part of the divine scheme and an element of the gospel | Lecture 15: Coming troubles, and the second advent | Lecture 16: Times and signs; or the evidence that the end of near | Lecture 17: The refuge from the storm; or, "what must I do to be saved?" | Lecture 18: The ways of Christendom inconsistent with the commandments of Christ
(1910). As a rule of national and individual life and the enigmatical enunciation of divine principles and purposes.
Contents: Law: Its need and beauty | Before the law of Moses | At Sinai | The ten commandments | The sabbath law | The sabbath in Gentile times | The rest of the ten commandments | The land | Private life and public institutions | Dealings of man with man | The covenant at Sinai | Allegorical transactions at Sinai | The ark and its contents | Outside the veil in the holy place | Inside and outside the tabernacle | The court of the tabernacle | The priests and their attire | The consecration of Aaron and his sons | The final dedication of the tabernacle | The routine service | The annual service | Voluntary service | The male element in sacrifice | Meat-offerings and peace-offerings | Burnt-offerings, sin-offerings, and trespass offerings | Motherhood | Disease | Death | Meats | Nazariteship | Gifts to God | Minor things | Finishings
(1884). Popular theology (both in faith and practice) shewn to be unscriptural; and the true nature of the ancient apostolic faith exhibited in eighteen lectures.
Contents: Lecture 1: The Bible - What it is, and how to interpret it | Lecture 2: Human nature essentially mortal, as proved by nature and revelation | Lecture 3: The dead unconscious till the resurrection, and consequent error of popular belief in heaven and hell | Lecture 4: Immortality, a conditional gift to be bestowed at the resurrection | Lecture 5: Judgement to come, the dispensation of divine awards to responsible classes at the return of Christ | Lecture 6: God, Angels, Jesus Christ, and the Crucifixion | Lecture 7: The devil not a personal supernatural being but the scriptural personification of sin in its manifestations among men | Lecture 8: The kingdom of God not yet in existence, but to be established visibly on the earth at a future day | Lecture 9: The promises made to the fathers (Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob), yet to be fulfilled in the setting up of the kingdom of God on the earth | Lecture 10: The kingdom of God the final instrumentality in the great scheme of human redemption | Lecture 11: Christ the future king of the world | Lecture 12: The covenant made with David, realized in the re-establishment of the kingdom of Israel under Christ | Lecture 13: The second coming of Christ the only Christian hope | Lecture 14: The hope of Israel, or, the restoration of the Jews, a part of the divine scheme and an element of the gospel | Lecture 15: Coming troubles, and the second advent | Lecture 16: Times and signs; or the evidence that the end of near | Lecture 17: The refuge from the storm; or, "what must I do to be saved?" | Lecture 18: The ways of Christendom inconsistent with the commandments of Christ
(1910). As a rule of national and individual life and the enigmatical enunciation of divine principles and purposes.
Contents: Law: Its need and beauty | Before the law of Moses | At Sinai | The ten commandments | The sabbath law | The sabbath in Gentile times | The rest of the ten commandments | The land | Private life and public institutions | Dealings of man with man | The covenant at Sinai | Allegorical transactions at Sinai | The ark and its contents | Outside the veil in the holy place | Inside and outside the tabernacle | The court of the tabernacle | The priests and their attire | The consecration of Aaron and his sons | The final dedication of the tabernacle | The routine service | The annual service | Voluntary service | The male element in sacrifice | Meat-offerings and peace-offerings | Burnt-offerings, sin-offerings, and trespass offerings | Motherhood | Disease | Death | Meats | Nazariteship | Gifts to God | Minor things | Finishings
(n.d.). A series of questions organized by themes that provide questions and answers with biblical proofs. Themes such as: death, immortal souls, devil, hell, etc.
Contents: The return of Christ to the earth | What Christ is coming for | Signs that the coming of Christ is near | "Does death end all?" | Have I an immortal soul? | Where do we go when we die? | What hope have you? | Have we eternal life now? | Bible immortality: not the immortality of Christendom | Do you understand the kingdom of God | The promised land | What is a heavenly country? | Jerusalem | The return of Israel | Paradise: Popular views and divine revelation | Why did Christ die? | "Why did Christ rise?" | Who was Christ that died and rose again? | God, who raised Christ from the dead | The holy spirit | Is there a devil? | Where is hell? | The punishment of the wicked | Christendom astray since the apostolic age | The remission of sins | Born a second time | Does it matter what we believe? | Why we ought to be baptized | The glories of the age to come | The problem of the holy land | The Christianity of the apostles | The name and faith of the Christadelphians
(n.d). A series of questions posed to Roberts for additional explanations, such as: baptized for the dead; delivery unto Satan; hell, graves, etc.
Contents: "Baptized for the dead" | Delivery unto Satan | Are brethren at liberty to eat blood and things strangled? | The baptism of fire | The laying on of hands | Hell and the grave | Christ a substitute? In what sense? | Who are the righteous of Matthew 25? | Christ saved from death
(n.d.) Truth to be received, doctrines to be rejected, and the commandments of Christ.
Contents: Truth to be received | Doctrines to be rejected | The commandments of Christ
(n.d.) Epitome of Commandments of Christ in force in the household of faith throughout the world.
Contents: Concerning God | Concerning Christ | Concerning brethren and sisters | Concerning the stranger | Concerning your own character | Concerning your actions | Concerning your thoughts and speech | Concerning matrimonial relations | Concerning parents and children | Concerning masters and servants | Concerning disobedient brethren | Concerning the assemblies of the brethren
(1926). Truth revealed in the Bible as distinguishable from the theology of Christendom set forth in a series of propositions, arranged for the purpose of exhibiting the faith promulgated by their apostles in the first century in contrast with the faith of Christendom, which is shown to be compounded by the fables predicted by Paul, the whole being elucidated by copious footnotes, original and selected.
Contents: The gospel of the kingdom preached by Jesus | The same gospel preached by the apostles | What is this kingdom? | The kingdom of God once existed, and will be re-established | The kingdom of God will be the kingdom of Israel restored | The Jews will become the subjects of the kingdom | Jerusalem the future Queen-city of the world | Her king as appointed in the covenant made with David | Jesus Christ the son promised to sit on the restored throne of David | The saints will inherit the kingdom | The covenant made with Abraham | The promises thereof renewed to Isaac and Jacob | The promises not yet fulfilled | The promises fulfilled in the setting up of the kingdom | The second coming of Christ indispensable | The kingdom of God the only object of Hope | The duration of the kingdom | There is by one God | The spirit is not a personal God | The holy spirit | Jesus Christ the son of God | Jesus as the second Adam | The object of his death | His resurrection | The devil of the Bible | Demons, devils, and evil spirits | Human nature - popular views: that man is a creature of the dust; man is mortal; the dead are unconscious; the "soul" is not immortal; the "spirit" in man is not a deathless entity | Origin of the doctrine of the immortality of the soul | The true doctrine of immortality: to be bestowed only on the righteous; by change of body; to be enjoyed on the earth | The earth the inheritance of the saints | The hell of the Bible | Gehenna | The destiny of the wicked | The irresponsible of mankind | The judgment seat of Christ | Baptism: its nature and object | How can so many be wrong? | Popular error and divine truth in tabulated contrast | Departure from the truth foretold | Coming deliverance
(1926). The Life and work of Jesus Christ exhibited anew in harmony with the scriptures of Moses and the prophets to which Jesus appealed as the word of God.
Contents: Christ a reality | Christ's place in history | The necessity for Christ in the divine scheme of history | Preparation | John the Baptists work | Mary at Nazareth | Bethlehem | Childhood | From childhood to manhood | In preparation for public life | On the banks of the Jordan and in the wilderness | From the wilderness to Cana of Galilee | The first visit to Jerusalem - Nicodemus | To Galilee - through Samaria via Jacob's well | From Jacob's well to Capernaum via Cana and Nazareth | From Capernaum to the scene of the sermon on the mount | the "sermon on the mount" | From the sermon on the mount to the first tempest on the sea of Galilee | In the storm - Matthew called | Matthew's feast - two blind men cured | From the cure of the blind men to the call of the apostles | The twelve apostles - their call, their qualifications and their instructions | Christ's first address to the twelve apostles | After his discourse to the twelve | In collision with the Pharisees | By the lake of Gennesaret | The Parables | Multiplying the loaves and walking on the sea | In the synagogue at Capernaum | At Tyre and Decapolis - Feeds the multitude a second time | At Bethsaida - In Caesarea Philippi - the transfiguration | From the mount of transfiguration to Capernaum - his rebuke of ambition | Pays taxes - forbids vengeance - attends the feast of tabernacles | Controversy in the temple courts - the accused woman | The blind beggar controversy - the Pharisees and resurrectional responsibility | The charge of blasphemy against Christ - The raising of Lazarus | Departure form Jerusalem - interview with the seventy | Marth and Mary - the children - how to pray - at dinner with the Pharisee | A property dispute - covetousness and anxiety - his second coming | The slaughtered Galileans - the "fox" Herod - Jerusalem - a sabbath day dinner and its incidents | Causes of stumbling - "Unprofitable servants" - the ten lepers - the kingdom - the signs of his coming | Weeps over Jerusalem - rides into the city - blasts the fig tree | Silences the Pharisees and the Sadducees - his open denunciation of them as blind leaders | The window's mite - the Olivet Prophecy - the parable of the sheep and goats | Visitors: the end of his public labour - his last Passover - the breaking of bread | At the table | on the way to Gethsemane | Nearing Gethsemane | The prayer of John 17 | Gethsemane - the arrest | Set at naught | Golgotha | Resurrection | Forty days' sojourn and ascension
(1926). Truth revealed in the Bible as distinguishable from the theology of Christendom set forth in a series of propositions, arranged for the purpose of exhibiting the faith promulgated by their apostles in the first century in contrast with the faith of Christendom, which is shown to be compounded by the fables predicted by Paul, the whole being elucidated by copious footnotes, original and selected.
Contents: The gospel of the kingdom preached by Jesus | The same gospel preached by the apostles | What is this kingdom? | The kingdom of God once existed, and will be re-established | The kingdom of God will be the kingdom of Israel restored | The Jews will become the subjects of the kingdom | Jerusalem the future Queen-city of the world | Her king as appointed in the covenant made with David | Jesus Christ the son promised to sit on the restored throne of David | The saints will inherit the kingdom | The covenant made with Abraham | The promises thereof renewed to Isaac and Jacob | The promises not yet fulfilled | The promises fulfilled in the setting up of the kingdom | The second coming of Christ indispensable | The kingdom of God the only object of Hope | The duration of the kingdom | There is by one God | The spirit is not a personal God | The holy spirit | Jesus Christ the son of God | Jesus as the second Adam | The object of his death | His resurrection | The devil of the Bible | Demons, devils, and evil spirits | Human nature - popular views: that man is a creature of the dust; man is mortal; the dead are unconscious; the "soul" is not immortal; the "spirit" in man is not a deathless entity | Origin of the doctrine of the immortality of the soul | The true doctrine of immortality: to be bestowed only on the righteous; by change of body; to be enjoyed on the earth | The earth the inheritance of the saints | The hell of the Bible | Gehenna | The destiny of the wicked | The irresponsible of mankind | The judgment seat of Christ | Baptism: its nature and object | How can so many be wrong? | Popular error and divine truth in tabulated contrast | Departure from the truth foretold | Coming deliverance
(n.d.) Five questions posed by the author regarding challenges faced by members of the ecclesia.
Contents: Council for the depressed | The benefits of trouble | The limitation of trouble | The consolations of trouble | The final consolation
(n.d.) A biography illustrative of the process by which the system of truth revealed in the Bible has been recovered in modern times.
Contents: The man and his work | Birth and early days | Emigration to America | Dr. Thomas is immersed | Preaching among the Campbellites | Practicing and preaching in Philadelphia | The apostolic advocate | Anabaptism | Letters to Mr. Campbell | "Information Wanted" | A charge of materialism | Defamed and defended | A suggested armistice | Editor, preacher, and printer | The apostacy unveiled | "Tell it unto the church" | Mr. Campbell's attack on the advocate | Discussions between Dr. Thomas and Mr. Campbell | Dr. Thomas goes west | The investigator | The herald of the future age | Rejected but not excommunicated | Fanning on Dr. Thomas and his reply | A visit to New York | Dr. Thomas reaches a crisis | Confession, abjuration, and declaration | Proposed discussion with Mr. Campbell | Phrenological delineations | First travels in the truth's service | A missionary to Britain | Seeking an opening in Britain | The truth in Nottingham, 1848 | A charge of falsehood | A Campbellite convention and a visit to Glasgow | The truth in Glasgow | Dr. Thomas and the peace society | Elpis Israel | Two interludes | A farewell letter | The herald of the kingdom and age to come | Dr. Thomas as a tutor | Preaching the truth at home and on tour | More travels during the 1850's | Removal to New York: Formation of an organized meeting | Anatolia | Among the Jews of New York | Eureka: An exposition of the apocalypse | Travels in 1860: A call from the south | Travels in war time | Christians and war | A second visit to Birmingham | More American travels | Third visit to Britain | Proposed removal to Britain - death intervenes | The doctor's last article - "What is Flesh?" | How the news was received in Britain | Internment in Greenwood Cemetery | The man himself | Conclusions and reflections
(n.d.) What first century Christians believed.
Contents: The sect everywhere spoken against | Not a new sect, but the old apostolic sect revived | The grounds of offence | Jesus says, "I am the way" | Belief of the gospel necessary for salvation | What is "the gospel"? | How the Bible speaks of "souls" and "immortality" | The necessity of resurrection of judgement | The gospel and the death of Christ | The kingdom of God | Reigning with Christ | The death state | Bodily life: God and man | Concerning Christ | Baptism | Hell | The Devil | The commandments of Christ | The judgement seat of Christ | "Come Out!"
(n.d.) An autobiography written by the author about his life and times.
Contents: Birth and boyhood | "Conversion" - Elpis Israel | Baptism | Writes to Dr. Thomas | Becomes a reporter | Huddersfield and Halifax | Working with Dr. Thomas | Dewsbury | Marriage | Dietetics | Introducing the truth (Huddersfield) | Public effort at Huddersfield | A brush with atheism | Leeds: Fowler and Wells | Birmingham: The Fowler and Wells company | Birmingham, Leicester, Nottingham, Derby | Returns to newspaper at Huddersfield | Origin of "Twelve Lectures" | Dr. Thomas's visit in 1862 | Dr. Thomas at work | Strained relations with Dr. Thomas | Dr. Thomas and the American Civil War - Advises Birmingham | Removal to Birmingham | "The Birmingham Daily Post" | "The Ambassador" 1864 | Polemics: David King | "Eureka" Vol. II | "A Town Hall Effort" | The bankruptcy court - the name "Christadelphian" | After the American civil war - Letter from Dr. Thomas | "The Athenaeum" | Break with "Dowieism" | Contenting for the faith | The "Declaration" | "Eureka" Vol. III - Dr. Thomas's last visit | Death of Dr. Thomas - "The Christadelphian"
(n.d.) Additional description of the return of Christ.
Contents: The personal return of Jesus Christ | "As it was in the days of Noah" | Scoffers in the last days | The prophets have spoken | Precious promises
(n.d.) Questions and answers regarding God and the Bible.
Contents: The answer of commonsense | The answer of science | The answer of history | The Bible reveals God | What Christ thinks | The Bible and science | The Bible and human nature | "The Lord Alone Exalted" | No hero-worship | A nation that changed its God | The purpose of God | Perfect candour of the Bible | "That they should seek the Lord" Acts 17:27
(1907). Isaiah. The work and writings of those who came after Moses in the divine guidance of the nation of Israel.
Contents: The mission of the prophets | Angels and prophets: From Moses to Elijah | The prophets and the kings: Elijah to Isaiah | The Lord hath spoken | Jerusalem in the last days - exalted after long humiliation | The song of the vineyard | The glory of the king, the Lord of hosts, in the temple | Immanuel | Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz | A great light in Galilee | "Assur, the rod of mine anger" | "The rod out of the stem of Jesse" | The holy one of Zion | The burden of Babylon | The burden of Moab | Moab's final subjection to the kingdom of David | Damascus and "the day of vengeance" | The burden of the valley of vision | The burden of Tyre | A world turned upside down | Fall of the great city - rise of Zion in deathless glory | The new song and the righteous nation | The judgement of the serpent - Israel blossoms and buds | Woe to the drunkards of Ephraim and Judah | "Woe to Ariel!" | Woe to rebels that trust on Egypt | Woe to Egypt and Assyria | God's king, his princes, and his peace based upon righteousness | Woe to the spoiler! the Lord exalted | Yahweh's sword upon Edom - "The year of recompences for the controversy of Zion" | Zion's wilderness transformed | Sennacherib's challenge | The voice in the wilderness | The first to Zion - Rishon-Le-Zion | Yahweh's servant given for a covenant | God's witness | Jeshurun the alpha and omega | Cyrus and Jesus | Ruin of the Gods and Babylon | No peace to the wicked, "Who say they are Jews but are not" | The alpha and omega turns to "The isles" | Why Zion was "put away" | "Look unto Abraham" | The awakening of Zion | The slain lamb | New Jerusalem and her children of promise | "Ho, everyone that thirsteth" | The house of prayer for all peoples | "The troubled sea" and its "mire and dirt" | Fasting, and yet rejecting the bridegroom | The hindered blessing of God | Sunrise upon Zion after a dark night | The spirit of Christ in Isaiah | Hephzi-bah - Beulah | "Who is this that comes from Edom?" | "Righteousness" in relation to the "fine line" and "filthy rags" | "New heavens and a new earth" | The father's house
(1880). Thirteen lectures on the things revealed in the last book of the new testament commonly known as "Revelation", but more appropriately distinguished as the apocalypse; showing their bearing on the events of history, and on those mightier events of the near future to which they have all been leading.
Contents: Revelation I | Revelation 2 to 3 | Revelation 4 to 6:6 | Revelation 6:7 to 8:6 | Revelation 8:7 onwards | Revelation 9 to 10 | Revelation 11 | Revelation 12 to 13 | Revelation 14 | Revelation 15 to 16 | Revelation 17 to 18 | Revelation 19 to 20:6 | Revelation 20:7 onwards
Future Resources to Come
Stay tuned.
(1880). Thirteen lectures on the things revealed in the last book of the new testament commonly known as "Revelation", but more appropriately distinguished as the apocalypse; showing their bearing on the events of history, and on those mightier events of the near future to which they have all been leading.
Contents: Revelation I | Revelation 2 to 3 | Revelation 4 to 6:6 | Revelation 6:7 to 8:6 | Revelation 8:7 onwards | Revelation 9 to 10 | Revelation 11 | Revelation 12 to 13 | Revelation 14 | Revelation 15 to 16 | Revelation 17 to 18 | Revelation 19 to 20:6 | Revelation 20:7 onwards
Future Resources to Come
Stay tuned.
Future Resources to Come
Stay tuned.
Future Resources to Come
Stay tuned.
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